Gold Channel

Bruce's Trip to Babylon 5

In April 1996, Bruce Goatly was on holiday in California. By some strange alignment of the planets, Bruce managed to organise a visit to the Babylon 5 studio while he was out there.

He has been kind enough to share his experience in a 'report' and in a set of photos. These are stored on the following pages.

The report comes in two formats:

  • Spoiler Protected or
  • Full

    The Photo Page uses thumbnails to link to full-res photos. It is spoiler protected for your convenience.

    Thanks Bruce for sharing this with us! Thanks too to Hywel Williams for scanning the photos.

    Some obligatory links:

    Please note that any views expressed here are my personal views & do not necessarily reflect UCL policy. No claim is made, explicit or implied, about the suitability of any data presented here for any purpose and all rights are reserved by myself or UCL as appropriate.

    ie Don't take any data without asking & don't then blame me if it's not what you were after!

    "Babylon 5" is copyright the Time Warner / Prime Time Entertainment Network.

    Jeremy Morley /
    Dept Geomatic Engineering / University College London
    29 April 1996